Media Media Upcoming Hip-Hop

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Upcoming Hip-Hop

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Hip-Hop / R&B
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"We at Upcoming Hip Hop believe every upcoming artist and producer deserves the chance to get their music heard. We also believe that artists and producers should get paid for their work. We started in 2011 just sharing music on social media and hosting contests for artists. Although that was great, we quickly learned that we could support upcoming artists and producers in a larger way. We started incorporating interviews to the site so that fans (new and old) could get a deeper look into the artist's background. Since then, we had added video (interviews, cyphers, in the studio web-series), premieres, album reviews, advice/opinion articles, news, and events to the Upcoming Hip Hop brand. Don't worry, we aren't stopping there. We want to be more than your average "Hip-Hop Blog." We now offer marketing & PR services for artists and producers. We want to work directly with you so that you look professional online and get your music can be heard by the masses. One of the reasons we have been so successful is our community. The people (artists, producers, fans, promoters, DJs, etc.) that engage with us and believe in our movement have been incredible so far. We couldn't have done it without you. As we move into the future, we hope to work with all of you that are trying to make a positive impact on the world with your music. Music really does have the power to save and change lives. Why can't it be ours?"



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