Playlisters Playlist Adult Contemporary | New & Undiscovered

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Details Adult Contemporary | New & Undiscovered


California USA

Pop, Soul, Blues, Singer-Songwriter

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"I started PlaylistSubs at the end of 2021 and the main idea is to bring great music from unknown artists to more listeners. I always loved discovering new music and when I learned how many amazing artists with soooo little listeners are there, I decided to share my discoveries with others. Nearly 80% of all artists on Spotify have less than 50 monthly listeners. Yes, that's right, there are literally millions of great artists that no one knows, ready to be discovered. And so how it works? Any artist can submit their music to me, I'm gonna listen to it and if I assume it's a "radio-ready" song, I am gonna share it on my Spotify playlists, YouTube, socials etc. At the moment, I curate 11 playlists across genres and I believe that most of you will find your personal favorites there - Give it a try!"

Adult Contemporary | New & Undiscovered Photos


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