PR Company Sacks & Co. (Nashville)

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Sacks & Co. (Nashville)

Nashville Tennessee USA

Asha Goodman

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All Styles

801 5th Avenue S, Suite 201
Nashville TN 37203


"Celebrating more than 20 years fostering successful relationships between our clients and the public, Sacks & Co. enjoys an international reputation for working with the most talented and visionary individuals and organizations. Our clients include musicians, filmmakers, film producers, theater companies, arts presenters and entrepreneurial business ventures. Our approach is a holistic one that includes media relations, strategic counsel, messaging & branding, social media management and creative partnerships. We are a diverse team from varied backgrounds whose collective expertise spans all manner of both traditional and new media. While we excel at obtaining earned media impressions on behalf of our clients, we pride ourselves on our ability to function as true strategic partners at every stage of their projects and at all points in their careers. We work in tandem with each to establish objectives, create a clear sense of what success will look like and engage in ongoing dialogue, evaluation and analysis as we work toward our shared goals. Our roster of current and past musicians spans all genres from pop, rock and jazz to classical, world and country. Our filmmakers have premiered groundbreaking work at the Sundance, Berlin, SXSW, Slamdance, Toronto and Tribeca Film Festivals. Our arts presenters continue to be at the forefront of bringing the most important and creative talent to the public, while the businesses and organizations we work with establish, lead and reshape their industries."

Sacks & Co. (Nashville) Contacts

Catherine Snead
Asha Goodman

Sacks & Co. (Nashville) Artists


Sacks & Co. (Nashville) Photos

PR Companies

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