According to, Endlesss "Designed by Tim Exile, the mind behind Native Instruments’ The Finger and The Mouth, Endlesss encourages users to create short loops called rifffs, which they then offer up to the community. There’s never any pressure to create a full track. It’s all about building on the ideas of the community. Its creator even describes it as WhatsApp for music, the idea being that it’s a conversation. The low buy-in is a massive plus and makes this an app you’ll want to keep coming back to.
Another plus point is the talent on the platform. Imogen Heap, Flux Pavilion and Exile are on Endlesss. You can play on their rifffs, and there’s even a chance they’ll build on yours. Making music is easy once you figure out the looper and metronome controls too. If you want full functionality, including new soundpacks, more effects, the powerful sampler and infinite rifff history, it’ll cost $5.50 per month. As with all open music-making communities, the quality varies but the product is a lot of fun."
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Endless is a lightning-fast collaborative music-making app that allows the user to Make beats, improvise music and jam live with musicians, beat-makers and DJs all over the world. Looking for inspiration? Explore community jams and get inspired. Join a broad range of jams and meet collaborators or create your own jams and invite your friends.
Check out Endlesss today at their website at THIS LINK
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